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Coming Soon - A Book for Dog Lovers New to Calgary, Alberta!


Calgary is one of the most dog-friendly cities in all of North America, with hundreds of kilometers of walking paths and park trails, as well as 150 legal off-leash areas. Like many cities in BC, Calgary also has a wild side- many of its parks are natural areas inhabited by wildlife.

There’s lots to know and so many places to go. Our new book, Enjoying Calgary With Your Dog, will guide you along the pathways with descriptions of some of the best places to enjoy, all year round.

Within the city, around the surrounding countryside or through the wild lands of some of Canada’s most famous parks, Enjoying Calgary With Your Dog will provide you with helpful information on the city’s rules and regulations for you and your dog, provincial and national park guidelines for exploring famous wilderness areas with your dog on leash, and a wealth of information on Calgary’s eccentric climate !

Keep visiting this website for updates on the creation of this new book. You can also email us at to reserve a copy in advance.



The Books : Our Guides to the Wild Side of the Neighbourhood


  • Weather resistant cover
  • Advice on dressing to enjoy the wild side
  • Plants, trees and creatures native to the area
  • Information on nearest parks and
    natural heritage areas
  • Tips from the Conservation Office about
    dogs and wildlife
  • Information on practical planting and
    creating backyard havens
  • Resources lists: clubs, books and websites to help you enjoy this area

Encouraged by local Registered Professional Biologists, naturalists, developers and planning staff in the Central Okanagan, the Air Water Earth Publications team has created a series of weather-resistant, easy-to-carry books. These Guides to the Wild Side of the Neighbourhood have been designed to help home-buyers and other new residents to get acquainted with the parks, trails and other natural assets in their new communities.

The books explain the features and attributes of natural or near-natural areas, with suggestions on how to enjoy exploring them. The guides are written in casual language and are small enough to carry along
on walks or hikes in a belt pack or packsack.

Studies have shown that residents who come to know "the wild side” of their neighbourhoods tend to be healthier, as well as more knowledgeable about their communities. The Guide to the Wild Side of the Neighbourhood provides advice on climate, clothing, footwear and accessories for those new to living close to wilderness lands, so that newcomers will enjoy their surroundings comfortably and with confidence.

* By special arrangement, our Guides to the Wild Side can be created for many communities in British Columbia and Alberta, as well as the Yukon and Northwest Territories.

A few still available! The Canine Campus Dog-Lover’s Guide to the Wild Side of the Okanagan Valley!

In partnership with Canine Campus Dog Daycare and Training Centre, we’ve published a book for dog people in the Okanagan.

It’s "The Dog Lover's Guide" to the Wild Side of the Okanagan Valley, a custom-made book priced at $24.95, with plastic covers and sturdy steel binding. It’s a modest size so it can be taken along on hikes- a great gift!

Like the other Guides in our series, this book contains photos of plants, trees and animals that may be encountered throughout the Okanagan Valley, some taken by people you'll know.

There’s information about natural areas that people can explore and enjoy with their dogs, even advice about what to wear and take along for both people and dogs in the heat or cold while exploring the Okanagan Valley’s four-season delights.

Though this is a casual and light-hearted book, written with Canine Campus clients and people who may be new to the Okanagan Valley in mind, the information in this book was carefully researched. Laws regarding dogs on leash and dog interaction with wildlife are listed, as well as related websites and books that readers may wish to investigate. We’ve either lived or learned everything that’s in this book.

You’ll find information on parks, trails and crown lands that are appropriate to visit with dogs, and advice as to whether those areas are suitable for visiting with 'sedate' or 'rambunctious' dogs. Estimations of the time involved for each trek are also included, and whether it is advisable to take, or tell a friend where you're going.

The Dog Lover's Guide to the Wild Side of the Okanagan Valley is available at Canine Campus Dog Daycare and Training Centre in West Kelowna near Byland's Nursery. Canine Campus is in a small industrial complex, Compass Court, just off Hwy 97- it's at #9, 2652 Compass Court just west of Bartley Rd and Hwy 97. The phone # is 250-859-3647 , and the “Campus” website is

Developers, banks, mortgage brokers, realtors, lawyers: give your clients a lasting gift

When you order a minimum of 50 guides, the books will be customized with your logo and an informative page with messages and photos you or your company would like to share with your customers about the valley and its environment. There are Valley-wide editions as well as Guides to the Wild Side for very specific locations. Added text, approximately 400-500 words, can be added, specific to you and/or your organization.

These guides can be also be customized very specifically to certain areas, with a minimum order of 100 books per area. For example, a Vernon business or individual may wish to have information included about its famous ski resort, Silver Star, and other attractions unique to the Vernon area. The South Okanagan may wish to discuss its desert parks and animals such as Bighorn Sheep. Extensive work is required for these additions, thus the 100-book minimum. However, subsequent reorders can be as few units as 20 at a time.

To order, email:

Air Water Earth Publications

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